The Gypsy Homestead Astro-Vibe for February 9, 2023:
Aquarius and Libra. What could go wrong? Actually, it's a good day to sit back and have an intellectual discussion about lighter or funnier things. The Cosmos is issuing a free card today. There's not a lot of sky action, except for Jupiter getting his licks in by overdoing everything. Show a little temperance or you could overspend, overstate, or even overindulge. Connecting with friends or like minded people gives your psyche a happy boost. Falling in love with love could be temporary, however.
Moon in Libra promotes teamwork and cooperation. If you need to ask for a favor or an opinion, today's Moon will support your efforts. Romance may pop up in unusual ways or when you're not really looking for it. Going to a new place or out in nature may give you the breath of fresh air you've been needing. Any symptoms you've been dealing with because of the higher cosmic vibes will benefit from natural remedies, too. Mercury is getting ready to move into Aquarius this weekend. If you need to really focus on business now is the time to do that while Mercury is still in staid Capricorn. The Moon enters Libra at 12:47 am (PST/USA + 8 hrs UK). Libra resonates with Green Jade and the scent of Rose. Green Jade brings in wisdom and a sense of wellbeing. Rose attracts love and soothing feelings. Use them to stabilize your energies. Remember to balance self care with having a good time.
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