
The Gypsy Homestead

~All Good Things Are Wild And Free~

Super Blood Moon Eclipse on May 26, 2021

We are already walking through the Eclipse portal but the energies are set to intensify this week as we witness the Super Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse on May 26.
Eclipses are a time of change and transformation. They represent moving from one state of consciousness to the next.
On an Eclipse, the veil is said to be thin and we are more easily able to access our intuition and the calling of our soul.
The theme of this Blood Moon Eclipse is clearing, letting go, and releasing. New information may rise to the surface, calling for us to clear a path in order to take the next steps on our journey forward.
As Eclipse energy is powerful there is also a need for us to surrender and to trust whatever the Eclipse energies bring.
Even though it may be challenging, create space to know all events brought to us on an Eclipse serve to elevate us to that next level of consciousness, even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time!
Protect your energy field during this season. Stay grounded, meditate, spend time in nature, and stay open to the signs and clues the Universe sends.

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