
The Gypsy Homestead

~All Good Things Are Wild And Free~

The Gypsy Homesteads Astro-Vibe for Januaray 31, 2023

The Gypsy Homestead Astro-Vibe for January 31, 2023:
Maybe Clear Quartz isn't such a bad idea. We end the first month of 2023 with the Moon in flighty Gemini. Ideas and sudden flashes of creativity can make work or other tasks exciting - just because you'll feel more mentally engaged in the process of doing, today. Take advantage of the extra good vibes. Use Clear Quartz as a way to amplify those messages from the Cosmos and ideas. It's also a great time to catch up on communications, be it emails, texts, or phone calls.
Since the daily vibes are mostly about a big dose of communications, be aware that it can come from not only the many mundane sources we're familiar with, but also from multidimensional sources. Watch for signs, messages in the media, psychic nudges, or what others say as ways you're receiving messages. Study or a healthy curiosity can be beneficial in expanding your mind. Pay attention to what you see or what stands out. It's a very positive day, so put on some patchouli and let it unfold. Sleep may be elusive since the later hours hold a bit if magic for meditation or astral travel. You may want to keep a journal this week.
🌠 What secrets does Aquarius Sun hold right now? New innovations in abundance, health, and creating through your own personal purpose to name a few. Pay attention!

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