
The Gypsy Homestead

~All Good Things Are Wild And Free~

The Gypsy Homestead Astro-Vibe for Wednesday November 17, 2021

The Gypsy Homestead Astro-Vibe for November 17, 2021:
The Moon is now traveling through the sign of Taurus and building towards the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on Friday. It should be a magical time and on some levels it very much is that. Today, however, Mars and the Moon oppose each other. This can make for sudden releases of energy through anger and chaos. This isn't a time to stoke the fires of drama. Instead, stay in your core and work from your spiritual nature. By now, we're all pretty tired of the endless conflict during this year of change. The Taurus Moon is generally an icon for peace. If you'd like to see less drama be the embodiment of love and peace today. Be aware of your surroundings and stay away from large groups.
Turn the edgy energy into fuel to finish up projects before Friday. You may feel the need for Obsidian or other protective stones today as Mars in Scorpio makes its power known. If you're already being affected by the upcoming Full Moon use both the Obsidian and Rose Quartz to balance out the vibes. Sage is excellent to clear and cleanse any funky vibes. Or, use Cedar to add protection. The energies are swirling and building up to a very important time where both the Full Moon in Taurus and the eclipse will affect any beliefs that are rooted in old information. The vibes are intense and you may sense a wake up call or need to finish anything you started around the time of the Lion's Gate on August 8th. Since Taurus and Scorpio are both very sensual energies you may also feel romantic. Relationships - dynamic and destined to be - are especially affected at this time. The more you are truly yourself the more the Cosmos will respond to you with incredible speed.
As always if you'd like a personal Tarot Reading you can contact me via my website at

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