The Gypsy Homestead Astro-Vibe for May 11, 2021:
Today's New Moon in Taurus brings in the opportunity to attune with Spirit. With Spirit or Source as your constant guide you tend to discern first and act second - giving the Divine a say in your journey. Wisdom is highlighted by today's date and is in alignment with the Taurean New Moon message of growth through slow and methodical planning. Embrace who you are - the great parts and the wonky ones. Permission of the Cosmic kind is granted to go slow, think things through, and be at peace today. There's no fire energy to stir things up so smell the roses and take time to savor what's in your day.
The trick to navigating Moon in Taurus is to release any notions of controlling or engineering how things should go in your personal life. Creating through your intuition and heart generated power is far more productive than just using your intellect. The throat is always vulnerable under this Moon. Be sure to drink water today. Singing often helps clear up any irritations. Of course, it's a Rose Quartz and Rose scent kind of day. The New Moon occurs at 12:00 pm (PDT/USA + 8 hrs UK). Beginning new projects today will bring successful outcomes. Once Jupiter enters Pisces on Thursday (USA) barriers can be navigated more easily.
As always if you'd like a personal Tarot Reading you can contact me via my website at