
The Gypsy Homestead

~All Good Things Are Wild And Free~

The Gypsy Homestead Astro-Vibe for Thursday July 29, 2021

The Gypsy Homestead Astro-Vibe for July 29, 2021:
Cutting through the BS. The Moon travels in Aries for the day, and coupled with the Leo Sun, is clearing out the excuses that hold us back. If you're having to convince yourself to stay in a situation it's time to look at alternatives. That goes for most areas of your life. Jupiter and Mars oppose each other, but opportunities for advancement or new avenues of abundance can appear. Be aware of new information or messages that will point you in a better direction. Your heart and soul need to be a part of any decisions you make. On a larger scale, the cosmic vibes are working to wake up the world to coming events that will ultimately usher in better times.
Social situations can be fun, but watch for flaring tempers or sudden bursts of anger. Moon in Aries doesn't always do a good job of being mellow. Events or situations that occurred during the first part of the year can come back around for review. Volatile situations can be rekindled. Stay in your core of truth and do not be swayed by old beliefs. Use Bronzite for protection if you're going to be in crowds. Luckily, Mars will enter Virgo tonight (USA). That will take some of the volatility out of the energies for tomorrow. We are about ten days away from the Lion's Gate - 8-8 - portal opening. You may be already feeling anxiety or unsure of what's going on. Be kind to yourself and loved ones. Turn off distractions and build in some quiet time from now until then.

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