
The Gypsy Homestead

~All Good Things Are Wild And Free~

The Gypsy Homestead Astro-Vibe for Monday June 21, 2021

The Gypsy Homestead Astro-Vibe for June 21. 2021:
The Sun's energies move away from the frenetic curiosity of Gemini into Cancer. Here, the Sun prefers to play shyly in the background through intuition and instinct. So, over the next thirty days you may find your home base is much more attractive than going to far off places. Your insights are going to be needed by friends and loved ones. With the Moon remaining in Scorpio the need to connect with your inner world is strong today. True desires must be recognized. Work tasks and projects tend to move slowly now as Mercury in Gemini gets ready to go direct tomorrow. Take the day as it comes. Reschedule appointments or meetings if that will work better for the good of the order.
Often, people feel let down or depressed during the Sun's shift into Cancer. Give yourself a few days to move into a more slowed down pace. Be willing to day dream today as Venus in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces send in waves of nostalgia. You may find yourself drawn to rich textures, colors, scents, music, or luxury. The Scorpio Moon has a way of making sure we connect to sensual things or people. Indulge in something good that speaks to your soul. Summer in the Northern Hemisphere is here. It's time to grow through nature and listening to your intution. Energetically, it's a very busy week. The Moon is now moving through the signs about every two days. Be sure to ground your energies now with either Hematite or another stone of your choice. Sandalwood can help bridge the energetic changes.
As always, if you'd like a personal Tarot Reading you can contact me via my website at:

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