
The Gypsy Homestead

~All Good Things Are Wild And Free~

The Gypsy Homestead Astro-Vibe for Friday June 25, 2021

The Gypsy Homestead Astro-Vibe for June 25, 2021:
Making it clear. Moon in Capricorn is often labeled as a taskmaster or a big, huge downer. In reality, it's focus is to blast away all the excuses, fear, and codependency we use to hold ourselves back. In other words, we must own our own beliefs and actions under this lunar influence. Coupled with Uranus, this Moon encourages you to create different results, if you're not happy. There's help, though, as in the Cosmos' ultimate wisdom, Neptune retrogrades today opening the doors to lost dreams and even intuitive messages you didn't listen to the first time. Tonight (USA), the Moon and Neptune meet up to discuss those lost opportunities. Pay close attention to your inner voice this weekend.
Make getting home projects done a high priority. You should be able to breeze through tasks today, but you may be better off working alone. There are some difficult energies lurking below the surface. Others may tap into anger or frustration. Stay the detached observer and don't add to the drama. The vibes of the Capricorn Full Moon are lingering and can cause aches and pains in the body. Take care to eat well and stretch. Azurite will help bring in clarity, while Jet can assist with the body. A massage or alternative therapies can help, also. Take time to assess your situation. Are you creating the 'you' you want to be?
The Cosmos throws in one more surprise this week. Venus moves into Leo this weekend. The heart really gets into the energies and that can create cloudy judgement where others are concerned.

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