
The Gypsy Homestead

~All Good Things Are Wild And Free~

The Gypsy Homestead Astro-Vibe

The Gypsy Homestead Astro-Vibe for August 30, 2022:
A cosmic key. The Moon stays in Libra where she is looking for the win-win in personal and business arenas. Focus on creating balance today through your thoughts and actions. The vibes are rising rapidly and we all need to be able to ride the waves of positive change. Here's where the lessons of the last few years play out. The Cosmos doesn't do things to you. It responds to your very actions and thoughts. Get out of the habit of standing in your own way. When you negate your skills and gifts you cause a lowered response. Things don't go well. Be your own BFF every day.
Events can be planned out today as Libra Moon will strive to get the details so they please everyone. You may feel somewhat cut off from tangible results, but this will pass. Overnight, the Moon will team up with Venus to bring in all things beautiful - whatever that means to you - on Wednesday. Use today's energies to make contact with others, appointments, to catch up with friends or family, or to write. Rose and Rose Quartz are good supports for creating a soft and welcoming environment. Have a great day! ❤️
☆ Even though Jupiter is assisting with abundance it is still retrograde. This phase reminds us that we need to focus and work towards our goals. It also assists in helping you realign with your true self and goals.
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