
The Gypsy Homestead

~All Good Things Are Wild And Free~

Full Moon in Capricorn June 24, 2021

The Capricorn Full moon on the 24th of June is filled with intensity and transformation. In addition to this being the first Full Moon of the Summer season, this is also an ideal time to really evaluate everything in our lives, both in our inner and outer worlds. This month’s Full Moon is asking us to dive deep in many ways but if we are willing to do the work and really examine what is going on below the surface, there is potential for great manifestation and an energetic shift in the months to come.
The Moon in Capricorn asks us to make a conscious effort to reconnect with our repressed emotions and release them. She gives us permission to feel and express them unapologetically, so we can let go of the burden of carrying them. Once we uncover our unconscious insecurities, they no longer have power upon us and no longer control us. Only then we will be able to connect with our True Self and express it fully.
The presence of retrograde planets at the time of this Full Moon is another strong indicator of the need for introspection and inner work and to consciously come into contact with our True Self. If we reflect on how our past conditioning has influenced our patterns of behavior, we may realize that we unconsciously limit ourselves more than we realize. If you are holding onto past regrets, you may find that this Full Moon brings them to the surface for release. Know you are fully supported to let them go once and for all.
Capricorn invites us to cultivate a strong sense of inner discipline and during this Full Moon we are supported in becoming confident in the direction we choose and in the choices we make. Developing high standards of personal integrity, encourages us to take responsibility for our behaviors, as well as for the energy we put out in the world. As we learn to cultivate a positive and empowering attitude, we become more aware of the importance of taking care of our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual well-being.
This ambitious Full Moon showers us with an incredible amount of light and power. She invites us to fully release what is weighing us down and to understand what is preventing us from living life to the fullest by encouraging us to celebrate it with confidence and an open heart. The Full Moon in Capricorn is the best chance we get this year to release negative feelings we may have with ourselves and our capabilities. When we develop a healthy relationship with this energy, we easily do what it takes every day to get closer to our goals and dreams. It’s time to reclaim your personal power!

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